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Product notice. This guide describes features that are common to most models. Some features may not be available on your product. To access the latest user guide, go to Select Find your product, and then follow the on-screen instructions. Second Edition: March 2016. First Edition: January 2016.
A. General. The Pollution Removal Funding Authorization (PRFA) is a tool available to FOSCs to quickly obtain needed services and assistance from other government agencies: federal, state, or local, as well as recognized Indian Tribes in oil spill and hazardous materials response actions. There are two types of PRFA
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The NPFC User Reference Guide (eURG) is designed to be a reference tool during an oil or hazardous materials spill incident for Coast Guard and EPA Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs). It includes all relevant Federal regulations, technical operating procedures (TOPs), forms and sample letters, and other
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detail to the SF-1080/1081 or invoice submitted for reimbursement. These submittals will be reviewed by the NPFC staff for continuity and propriety. Incomplete submittals will be returned to sender for corrective action. B. HOW TO COMPLETE SF-1080/1081/GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Voucher No: Inserted by the agency
