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a raisin in the sun act 2 scene 1 summary


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A summary of Act II, scene i in Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun. Ruth finds Beneatha's pageantry silly and questions her about it. Meanwhile, Walter He sees Beneatha all dressed up and acts out some made-up tribal rituals with her, at one point standing on a table and pronouncing himself “Flaming Spear.
Summary – Act Two, Scene One. It is later the same day. Ruth is ironing and Beneatha comes out of her bedroom wearing the Nigerian clothes. She turns off the radio saying, 'enough of this assimilationist junk!' and Ruth's eyes follow her as she puts a record on. Beneatha's eyes are 'far away – “back to the past”' and she
Act 2 begins later that same day. Beneatha enters wearing her new robes and puts on the African records that Asagai gave to her. Beneatha is singing and dancing to the music when Walter enters very drunk. He joins his sister, pulls open his shirt and jumps onto the table pretending he is an African hunter. He pretends to
Intro · Summary · Act One, Scene One · Act One, Scene Two; Act Two, Scene One; Act Two, Scene One Quotes · Act Two, Scene Two · Act Two, Scene Three · Act Three · Themes · Quotes · Characters · Analysis · Questions · Quizzes · Flashcards · Best of the Web · Write Essay · Teaching · Lit Glossary · Table of Contents
A Raisin in the Sun study guide contains a biography of Lorraine Hansberry, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.
Start studying a raisin in the sun act 2 scene 1. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
Free summary and analysis of the quotes in Act Two, Scene One of A Raisin in the Sun that wona€™t make you snore. Quote 1. RUTH Honeylife don't have to be like this. I mean sometimes people can do things so that things are betterYou remember how we used to talk when Travis was I did the best I could (2.i).
In this scene, another character is introduced, a neighbor, Mrs. Johnson. This character, however, was cut from the original stage production in order to reduce production costs. The most recent editions (the complete version) of Raisin includes this character, as did the American Playhouse presentation of this play.
Start studying A raisin in the sun - Act II Scene One. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
This scene emphasizes Beneatha's naivete about African culture, for although she is wearing the Nigerian robe and headdress, she is "fanning herself with an ornate oriental fan" and inadvertently appears more Asian than African. Also, Ruth reveals her lack of knowledge about things African as she questions Beneatha
