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10 Jun 2015 A new Web tool helps companies seek out slavery and child labor in supply chains by using data to find potential trouble areas. up with a clipboard and pencil and ask questions,” Mr. Dillon said. “There are opportunities to apply technology and data to make those processes better and more efficient.”.
18 Jan 2016 Cobalt mined by child laborers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo may be entering the supply chains of major tech companies like Apple, Samsung, and and video evidence of the hazardous conditions in which many of the miners work, often without basic protective gear or safety guidelines.
Technology solutions and innovations enable companies to increase transparency deeper in the supply chain and protect their brands, meeting stakeholder requirements while reducing compliance and supply chain management costs. .. compulsory labour;. Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and. Principle
done by the Global Compact Office on the issue of supply chain sustainability, and to ensure that . the freedom of children from labour, freedom from technologies. Environmental impacts from supply chains are often severe, particularly where environmental regulations are lax, price pressures are significant and natural.
15 Nov 2017 Cobalt is back in the news, as a new report from Amnesty International reveals that tech industry giants such as Microsoft, Lenovo, Renault and Vodafone aren't doing enough to keep child labor out of cobalt battery supply chains in Democratic Republic of Congo and China. The findings come almost two
Project Optimize, a collaboration between the World Health Organization (WHO) and PATH, has been given a unique mandate to think far into the future: to put technological and scientific advances to work, helping define the ideal characteristics and specifications for health products and creating a vaccine supply chain that
1 Jan 2012 Over the past five years, we have engaged with suppliers to drive responsible, sustainable business practices that align with Code standards about the avoidance of child and forced labor. Seagate's supply chain management framework, which follows EICC guidelines, includes: Procurement Staff Training.
Our supply chain system integrates product planning, development, design, technology and information systems to encompass all our business functions, and it coordinates all major regions Our goal is to have a supply chain nimble enough to increase production flexibility while meeting customer requirements precisely.
Just like a paper label, a technology tag can be used in two ways. It can store data directly, in some cases even being updated as the item moves through the supply chain. Alternatively, the tag can simply hold a unique identifier, which acts as a pointer to a vast amount of web-based supporting data. The ubiquity of such
The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are government-backed recommendations on responsible business conduct to encourage sustainable development and enduring social progress. , Practical actions for companies to identify and address the worst forms of child labour in mineral supply chains is for use by
